Self Book

Self-Booking made easy

Would you like to research options and self-book while still having the back-up and protection of booking through a travel agent? I have many suppliers who I have worked with for years and who I endorse 100%. This means that if you click through to their website via my links, you are still booking through me, Vivian V. Russell Travel, and I receive credit from the supplier and am paid a commission at no cost to you.

You may then look to me to answer questions, provide my insights and opinions, make changes, take care of problems, make special requests, and be your ombudsman if things go wrong.

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All the benefits of do-it-yourself online booking but without the risk of not knowing who you are buying from. Or, if you prefer, use these links to do some research with my preferred suppliers, then give me a call.

• Hotels

Europe Car Rentals

Vacation Packages

Choose from the links above or use the drop-down menu under ‘Self Book’ in the main navigation bar.